Arose Herbal Body-bath Bag is the product made from natural herb. It is ideal for refreshing, nourish the skin, cleaning your body, relieve tension and fatigue. Perfect to unwind after a stressful day.
Direction: Put the " Arose herbal body-bath bag " in hot water to soak for minutes. Add water to adjust the water temperature as your desired.Soak yourself in the water to relax and refresh as long as you like
Ingredients : Wansaolong, Leech lime peel,Guava leaves etc.
In the old Thai traditional way, the herbs which are used in the Thai Herbal Bath are not only help to clean the body but also to cure certain ailments like skin diseases, muscle stress, strains and common cold. In addition it also helps to relax your mind and body. This is mainly because Thai Herbal Bath is a combination of fresh an dried herbs which are boiled in the hot water and the steam always carry the herbal properties to refresh you.
The advantages of Thai Herbal BathThai Herbal Bath is recommended for the following: